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Our Ministers

Senior Rabbi

Rabbi Steven Dansky


Rabbi Steven Dansky is the Senior Rabbi of Cranbrook Synagogue.  

He studied at the Ateres Yisrael Yeshiva in Jerusalem and gained both a BA (Hons) in Psychology and a MA in Organisational Psychology from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. 

He received rabbinic ordination after studying at the Kollel of the Judith Lady Montefiore College. 

Steven focuses on the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories
and concepts. His approach is inspired by the teachings of Emeritus Chief Rabbi Sacks on 
Torah v’Chochmah – the great partnership of religious and scientific thinking.  

He is married and has two little girls who are his pride and joy.

Cranbrook United Synagogue, 22 Beehive Lane, Ilford IG1 3RT
020 8629 2780
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Registered Charity No 242552
Website by Hannah Frankel
Webmaster: Estelle Lyons
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