Kosher Facilities
Here is a list of Kosher facilities in this area.
If you know of others, please inform the Shul Office.
La Boucherie - 145 High St, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex, IG6 2AJ - 020 8551 9215
Just Kosher will deliver from Borehamwood - 020 8207 5556
Deli and Groceries
La Boucherie stocks a large range of Kosher goods.
Just Kosher will deliver from Borehamwood - 020 8207 5556
Kosher Deli will deliver from Golders Green - 020 8381 4450
Tesco in Barkingside and Woodford Green have a good range of Kosher goods.
Sainsbury's in Barkingside and Newbury Park have a good range also.
The smaller branches of Tesco and Sainsbury's may stock a small selection.
Waitrose in South Woodford also stocks a good range of Kosher food.
Many items in Costco, Chingford, carry a Kosher mark but you have to search for them.
La Boucherie now sells bread, rolls, cake and biscuits.