Children and Youth
We aim to make Cranbrook United Synagogue the social centre for our children and young people,
with activities and programmes to suit all age groups.
Weekly Children's Service
Our children’s services take place every Shabbat and Yom Tov mornings, beginning at around 10.30 am and running until the end of the main service. Come along for singing, davening, games, nosh and lots of fun.
For more information email
Tribe is the youth branch of the United Synagogue.
It aims to give children and young people a positive and fun Jewish experience.
For further information on the Children’s Services please email
Wohl Ilford Jewish Primary School and King Solomon High School
We are very fortunate to have a thriving Jewish primary school and secondary school at the centre of our community.
Please visit the Wohl Ilford Jewish Primary School website or the King Solomon High School website for further information.
For information on school admissions, please contact the schools directly.
Changes to CRP, the Certificate of Religious Practice
The Certificate of Religious Practice (CRP) gives applicants the chance to demonstrate Jewish practice when applying to schools. Collecting
CRP points allows you to prove that you are eligible for a faith place.
We've got full details which you can read here.